Q10062208 - ARC-1203-2I is not getting RAID configuration utility on screen. Instead of getting Shell screen message on screen.

Shell screen message as below means M/B BIOS has included the UEFI Interactive Shell for ARC-1203-2I UEFI BIOS to launch the McBIOS RAID configuration utility. 



Make sure the RAID adapter “BIOS Selection” option in System Controls: Advance Configuration: BIOS Option=Auto or UEFI. Follow below steps to launch the McBIOS RAID configuration utility.


1. At the prompt type: ´drivers´ and press Enter, located under the Device mapping table.



2. At the prompt type: ´drvcfg´ and press Enter, driver configuration under the UEFI shell screen.




3. At the prompt type: ´drvcfg –s 26a 24f ´ and press Enter, areca McBIOS configuration under the UEFI shell screen 






Tags: ARC-1203-2I, BIOS, driver
Last update:
2022-08-15 09:14
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