Q10062102 - How to create a bootable USB drive to access the default EFI shell to launch the McBIOS RAID manager?

To access the UEFI menu, create a bootable USB drive with UEFI Shell (X64):


  1. Format your USB drive as FAT32


  2. Create the following directory structure in the root of the USB drive
    • /efi/boot


  3. Download the UEFI Shell (Shell.efi) from the following link
  4. Rename the UEFI shell file to Bootx64.efi
    • 32bit : Bootia32.efi


  5. Copy the UEFI shell (now Bootx64.efi) to the /efi/boot directory


  6. With the USB thumb drive inserted into any of the back-panel USB ports of the M/B board, boot the system into the EFI shell.



    NOTE: Reboot to the USB drive (this will boot to UEFI shell).

        - You may need to enable booting from USB in BIOS setup.

        - You will need to disable UEFI Secure Boot to boot to the UEFI Shell.


  7. At the prompt type: ´drivers´ and press Enter, located under the Device mapping table.

  8. At the prompt type: ´drvcfg´ and press Enter, driver configuration under the UEFI shell screen. 


  9. At the prompt type: ´drvcfg –s 26a 24f ´ and press Enter, areca McBIOS configuration under the UEFI shell screen 

Last update:
2021-02-25 09:14
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