Q10011603 - For ARC-1883/ARC-1882/ARC-12x3 RAID Controllers, are the Linux drivers for RHEL 6.6 and 7.0 uEFI Aware? And, are the drivers signed with a trusted key for a Linux uEFI boot with Secure Boot enabled?

The ARC-1883/ARC-1882/ARC-12x3 RAID controllers support the Linux drivers for RHEL 6.6 and 7.0 uEFI Aware. You can make the drivers signed with a trusted key for a Linux uEFI boot with Secure Boot enabled.

Tags: ARC-12x3, ARC-1882, ARC-1883, boot, Linux, RHEL, UEFI
Last update:
2022-01-06 08:09
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