Q90052408 - The Hyper-V PCI CentOS 6 hv_pci driver cannot handle ARC-1886 RAID adapter. But ARC-1883 works well.

Changing the RAID "System Configurations" setting "PCIE 64 Bit BAR" from the default of "Enabled" to "Disabled" and rebooting the system allows the RAID card to work well in this Hyper-V configuration. This result indicates this Hyper-V have problem on supporting prefetchable feature. because 1883 default support 64bit BAR but it works without problem and 1886 firmware will disable prefetchable feature at same time when 64bit BAR disabled.

Tags: ARC-1886, CentOS 6, Hyper-V
Last update:
2024-08-15 06:28
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