Q10011909 - Our custumer is running Supermicro X9DRI-LN4F+ (BIOS 3.0b) und ARC-1883 (Firmware 1.54 - 2016-11-23), booting hang at the POST screen with a B2 code.

This problem appears to be the 1.54 BIOS/firmware package. It only happens on special M/B. Reverting from 1.54 BIOS code to 1.53 BIOS code can resolve it. Downgrade bios code is good enough to avoid the bios compatible issue.


Due to Bios code independent of the firmware, you can use older bios code with latest firmware code to avoid bios related compatible issue. Please do not downgrade raid card firmware older than the original version to avoid controller crash.

Tags: ARC-1883, BIOS, boot, firmware
Last update:
2020-08-25 10:47
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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