Q80021905 - How to Configure Windows for Thunderbolt?

This article provides the requirements and procedures to configure your Thunderbolt 3 equipped Windows PC for use Areca Thunderbolt 3 RAID storages and software.

In some cases, Windows computers equipped with Thunderbolt 3 will not ship with the necessary updates required for full Thunderbolt 3 functionality. You may experience connectivity issues between the RAID storage device and the Thunderbolt 3 port on a Windows PC. We recommend contacting your computer/motherboard manufacturer’s website to update your Windows PC to the latest versions of:

  1. PC BIOS
  2. Thunderbolt 3 firmware (NVM) on your computer.
  3. Thunderbolt 3 chipset software (driver) on your computer


You can check the following website to see if there are any updates for your Windows PC: https://thunderbolttechnology.net/updates


When first connecting a Thunderbolt 3 device, the device must first be authenticated through Intel’s Thunderbolt 3 software. For additional information please visit Areca knowledge base support: /index.php?action=artikel&cat=34&id=830&artlang=en

Tags: Thunderbolt3, Windows
Last update:
2020-08-26 06:29
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