Update Intel Chipset Inf drivers to version 10.0.13 instead of version provided by Apple.
Tags: ARC-8050, driver, Mac, Q80051403Q80051403 - Installing Windows Server 2012R2 on a Mac Mini with bootcamp drivers connecting to an ARC-8050. Randomly, the RAID-6 array is apparently removed while the system is still running (Event ID 29 from source arcs_a64 : "Areca RAID Volume removal")
- Last update:
- 2015-08-24 08:27
- Author:
- Simone
- Revision:
- 1.1
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Records in this category
- Q10081501 - How do we identify slow hard disk on Areca RAID Controller?
- Q80011501 - Is ARC-5026 able to give the SMTP server a FQDN, instead of an IP?
- Q80021501 - How do I install my 2.5” SSD into Areca Thunderbolt RAID storage?
- Q10091501 - Does “TLER Setting” on system configuration translate to ERC (Seagate) and CCTL (Samsung/Hitachi) or is it only a valid setting for WD drives that have TLER?
- Q80031501 - When we install Windows Server 2012 R2 on an Areca controller, we have the option to remove the controller’s volume in the OS.
- Q10071503 - Have Areca RAID cards supported the encryption function?
- Q10081503 - When user inserts multiple RAID adapters in a server, Archttp display same name “ARC-xxxx Web Management” for different devices. User confuses to choose any storage through Archttp to administrate those different storages.
- Q80011503 - ARC-5026 unit is spontaneously powering off -- and immediately powering on.
- Q10041504 - Do any of the current Areca RAID cards support trim for SSDs?
- Q80011504 - Areca ARC-5028T2 can not detect on HP Z820 Thunderbolt port.
- Q80021504 - I would like to be able to turn OFF ARC-8050T2 Intelligent Power.
- Q80011505 - Mac OS version 10.10.2 can find pci device (ARC-8050T2) but can't load areca raid driver in New MAC Pro system.
- Q80011401 - I am booting Mountain Lion 10.8.5 from a RAID 0 volume on Areca RAID adapter. I upgrade to Mavericks (10.9) and run the installer and the system reboots, the installation hangs at the startup screen and I have to manually reselect Mountain Lion as my startup volume.
- Q80011402 - When I connect 8050 to ASUS Z87 deluxe/quad, 8050 will start up but then no response after scan all hard drive and nothing on the LCD front panel.
- Q10121403 - Flashing disk drives attached to an Areca RAID controller.
- Q10131403 - Locate and identify drives in an enclosure or backplane with Fault/Activity LEDs.
- Q10181403 - How to rebuild a degraded RAID set on a SATA or SAS RAID controller?
- Q10191403 - Are 4TB drives supported on Areca RAID controllers?
- Q80011403 - ARC-8050T2 can not work on MacBook Air with OSX 10.7.5, but New Mac Pro is ok.
- Q80021403 - I just bought an ARC-8050T2. How to set encrypt data using the full volume encryption.
- Q80031403 - ARC-8050 manual says that the files of the firmware-update are labeled as ARC-8050NNNN.BIN, but the download files of the firmware package are labeled ARC-1882NNNN.BIN. Are these nevertheless the correct files?
- Q80041403 - I used a Mac mini (late 2012, so with "just" thunderbolt 1 technology) with Mac OSX 10.8.5. I just installed only the driver. Everything was fine, but when the Mac goes to sleep (or I call it hibernate) the areca tower is restarting/rebooting every 1 minute until I wake the Mac up.
- Q80051403 - Installing Windows Server 2012R2 on a Mac Mini with bootcamp drivers connecting to an ARC-8050. Randomly, the RAID-6 array is apparently removed while the system is still running (Event ID 29 from source arcs_a64 : "Areca RAID Volume removal")
- Q80061403 - I can not access a new encrypted volume on ARC-8050T2.
- Q80071403 - Is there any performance drop with encrypted volume on ARC-8050T2?
- Q80011506 - The Mac OS X system just needed to be rebooted after installing mraid. Maybe a restart should be added to the installer.
- Q80021506 - Does ARC-8050T2 power up/down via the optical cable?
- Q80031506 - ARC-4607T2 gets poor AJA write performance under Xsan environment.
- Q80011307 - Is it possible for the 8050 to initialize without having the Mac turned on?
- Q80011308 - After ARC-8050 firmware updated, ejecting Thunderbolt cable does not turn off power.
- Q80021308 - I can not use the ARC-8050 installer, all the lights are green, but alas the software/driver installation is hanging up.
- Q80031308 - ARC-8050 can read 850MB/s under AJA test, but only 650MB/s using Blackmagic Disk Speed test.
- Q80041308 - I have an 8050 that can not be detected by P8Z77-V PREMIUM on cold or restart. The 8050 works fine if I plug it in after windows starts up.
- Q80011310 - I have 4x4TB drives on ARC-8050 and setup the Array via the config webpage as RAID5 giving me 10TB overall space. I am running OSX 10.8.5 and only showing the RAID as a 2TB drive.
- Q10081310 - Customer upgraded Mac OS X from 10.8 to 10.9 successfully. However, Archttp wouldn't run from the desktop.
- Q10031311 - Under MAC PRO machine, update to firmware 1.52 all files , and then reboot,it can not boot from the original bootable volume on the RAID controller.
- Q80011311 - I couldn't get Mac OS X Mavericks boot from the raid volume on both 8050 and 5026, both thunderbolt failed. However, with the same raid volume, it boots no problem with USB 3.0 connection on 5026.
- Q80021311 - After updating ARC-8050 boot, firm, and mbr0 bin files to 1.52 version using ethernet port, the unit can't boot up during the reboot, all three LED flashing with LCD panel shown "-" only.
- Q80031311 - Is ARC-8050 volume bootable via Thunderbolt?
- Q80011312 - ARC-5026 works fine with thunderbolt, but when connected via USB 3.0, none of the partitions I've made shows.
- Q80021312 - I see the limited number USB 3.0 volumes on ARC-5026. If using the Thunderbolt side only you can have 128 volumes. Any one of the Thunderbolt volumes can be marked as SCSI CH:0/LUN:0/ID:0 and only that volume can be shared with USB 3.0 side.
- Q80031312 - I Have been getting error messages when I connect my Mac Pro to my ARC-8050. The LED reads Fan #! Failure. The fan appears to be running when I looked at the back.
- Q80041312 - When I force power the 5026 without any cable connected other than the power supply or USB 3.0 host connects only: it goes to and stays on the "start the kernel" message.
- Q80051312 - Can we use the Archttp to manage only USB3.0 port in 5026 model?
- Q80061312 - ARC-5026 is too noisy for a desktop raid. Is it possible to reduce the fan noise?
- Q10011507 - After install of the mraid driver and cli and archttp utilities, do I need to have Java installed anymore?
- Q10041508 - Does Areca RAID adapter support the new WD 5TB/6TB HDD firmware update function code about 5MB in size?
- Q10011509 - Does Areca RAID adapter support write back cache with battery backed RAM on JBOD disks or passthrough disk?
- Q80011509 - Windows 10 cannot detect the volume on ARC-8050T2.
- Q10011510 - Is it possible to enable the Areca RAID controllers encryption function on the boot volume?
- Q10021510 - Is the encrypted volume option available with the 16 volumes?
- Q10031510 - The MRAID installer can not work on new installs of the MRAID and Mac OS 10.11.
- Q10061510 - Samsung SSD 850 PRO 1TB Firmware Version = EXM02B6Q drives are showing "Time Out Error".
- Q10011512 - One SSD Disk fails in the ARC-1883i Raid Set a while in usage. After changing the Disk, it fails after a few hours again.
- Q10021512 - How to fix the ArcHTTP infinite loop login with Microsoft Edge Browser?
- Q80011404 - Can I install Windows 7 on ARC-8050T2, and boot from ARC-8050T2?
- Q80021404 - Does Linux support for ARC-5026/ARC-8050T2?
- Q80031404 - Opening the 'ArcHTTP64', however I am unable to find the 'ARC-5026 Web Management' tab or button.
- Q10141404 - Is there a MRAID installer that doesn’t require Java for Mac OS X?
- Q80041404 - Is there any information about the level of DB (decibel) of ARC-5026?
- Q80011405 - HP Z420 computer can not detect ARC-5026 USB 3.0 during boot up. ARC-5026 switches on and off shortly while the Z420 boots up.
- Q80021405 - Is the Areca ARC-8050 compatible with 220v 50 Hz?
- Q80031405 - Does the ARC-5026 support a battery backup from the RAM cache?
- Q80041405 - Does ARC-8050T2 support Optical thunderbolt cable?
- Q10061406 - I have set "Alert By Mail Configuration" and configured: Send Only Urgent Event. However, I am receiving emails with subject "RaidAlert-WARNING".
- Q80011406 - Is there any information about the level of DB (decibel) of ARC-8050T2?
- Q10011407 - Is there a problem with a 4KN drive or can I only use hard drives with 512E support sectors?
- Q60011407 - On Areca Desktop Box, will the Seagate STBD6000100 6TB drive fit your drive sled without modification?
- Q80011407 - Can’t get the 8050T2 to connect to the Z97 motherboard, all the lights come on the 8050T2 but nothing on the front display.
- Q80021407 - Seagate 12Gb/s SAS ST6000NM0014 Drives will not be detected on ARC-8050T2 Storage.
- Q80031407 - Since updating my 2013 Mac Pro OS to 10.9.4, I get a kernel panic on startup when my 8050 enclosure is attached via Thunderbolt.
- Q10011408 - How to solve the problem with reads stalling that causes by out of order command completion.
- Q10031410 - Two Bad drives: Hus724040ale640 connected to Areca 1882X, can’t power on server and time out after 300secs.
- Q10041410 - ARC-1882ix-12 can not recognize in Windows 2008R2 device manager when put into Asus m/b P8P67 WS revolution. Other m/b works fine.
- Q80011410 - I have the ARC-5026 plugged into the USB port of a CalDigit FASTA-6GU3 Pro. The ARC-5026 powers off but does not power on again when I power on the computer from sleep mode.
- Q10061410 - Does Areca firmware have day/time to program the Volume Check Scheduler?
- Q10071410 - I'd like to know how to set and keep the clock settings for the PCI e RAID controller without using NIC. Everytime I look at the event log, the times are off, thus making the logs useless.
- Q80021410 - When your driver for the Areca 8050 Thunderbolt RAID will be available for OS X Yosemite?
- Q10021411 - Mac OS X Disk utility sees the new creation volume but doesn't allow any operation (erase or partition).
- Q80011411 - Areca 5026 with 4 Samsung 840 SSDs issue happens directly after creating a Raidset. Slot 3 is getting Failed Status immediately but the SSD is healthy and OK.
- Q80011412 - I upgraded the ARC-5026 firmware to V1.52 2014-10-01 to resolve an issue with the fans being too loud. Fans are quiet now, but now I cannot mount drives via USB.
- Q10061412 - Controller fails the brand new hard drive when runs the Hdd Xfer Speed function.
1203 12Gb/s SAS expander 1883 1886 4KN drive Acronis Advanced Data Mirroring AJA Alert By Mail Configuration ALUA AOC API Apple Silicon ARC-1035 ARC-1130 ARC-1200 ARC-1201 ARC-1202 ARC-1203 ARC-1203-2I ARC-1203-2N ARC-1203-8i ARC-1210 ARC-1212 ARC-1213 ARC-1213-4i ARC-1214 ARC-1214-4I Arc-1214-8I ARC-1220 ARC-1221 ARC-1221x ARC-1222 ARC-1223 ARC-1223-8i ARC-1223-8X ARC-1224 ARC-1224-8I ARC-1225-8I ARC-1226 ARC-1230-8x ARC-1231 ARC-1231Ml ARC-1260 ARC-1261ML ARC-1264il-12 ARC-1264il-16 ARC-1280 ARC-1280ML ARC-12x3