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Q10081501 - How do we identify slow hard disk on Areca RAID Controller?
- Last update:
- 2015-04-28 09:22
- Author:
- Simone
- Revision:
- 1.0
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Records in this category
- Q10011501 - Are ARC-1680 series RAID adapters compatible with ARC-8028 12Gb/s SAS expander?
- Q10021501 - Does Areca RAID controller-1882ix support bootable from 4KB volumes?
- Q10031501 - After enabling ARC-1883 “SATA Power Up In Standby “ with Adata’s SX900, a power down, and a new power up reports “failed disk”.
- Q10041501 - Windows XP 64-bit systems blue screen is pointing to the storport.sys file. In the memory dumps, we are seeing the following: FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0xD1_CODE_AV_NULL_IP_storport!RaidpAdapterDpcRoutine+53 ExceptionAddress: fffff88001106c3d (storport!RaUnitAsyncError+0x000000000000013d)
- Q10051501 - Does ARC-1880 support RAID00 or RAID100?
- Q10061501 - When Intel S5520HC boots and RAID firmware (2014/9/14) is initializing encryption volumes, BIOS displays a warning "The above volume is not in normal state”.
- Q10071501 - ARC-1882ix-12 reports SSD as "failed" and not free when Adaptec ASR-7805 formats Samsung 840 EVO and erases it again.
- Q10081501 - How do we identify slow hard disk on Areca RAID Controller?
- Q10091501 - Does “TLER Setting” on system configuration translate to ERC (Seagate) and CCTL (Samsung/Hitachi) or is it only a valid setting for WD drives that have TLER?
- Q10101501 - Is Supermicro X10DRL-TC compatible with ARC-1883 RAID adapter?
- Q10111501 - The RESCUE raid set goes missing again after we reboot the raid set again.
- Q10121501 - How can we update the on-board expander firmware on the ix series RAID adapters?
- Q10131501 - Is the Chenbro CK23601 6Gb/s SAS expander compatible with ARC-1882IX?
- Q10141501 - I was getting aprox. 450 MB/s read speed and now performance has dropped drastically to 200 MB/s using HP Z820 workstation with ARC-1214-4i RAID controller.
- Q10151501 - ARC-1224-8i RAID controller with Supermicro X10DRG-Q in slots 9 (PCH slot) under Win7 Pro x64, the option ROM for the card doesn't load and can't boot from it.
- Q10161501 - One of disk raid appears as free, the controller couldn't rescue the raid set.
- Q10171501 - Can we directly install of ARC-12x4 with Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS?
- Q10181501 - Where can we get driver sources to create the driver with Citrix XenServer Driver Development Kit?
- Q10011502 - When the ARC-188X's driver for FreeBSD would be available?
- Q10021502 - When the ARC-1214's driver for FreeBSD would be available?
- Q10031502 - After enabling ARC-1883 “SATA Power Up In Standby “ with WD HDD, a power down, and a new power up reports “failed disk”.
- Q10041502 - After enabling ARC-1882 “SATA Power Up In Standby “ with Adata’s SX900, a power down, and a new power up reports “failed disk”.
- Q10051502 - Roaming 3Gb/s SATA HDD from ARC-1680 to ARC-1883ix-24 Raid Controller, the new ARC-1883 does not "see" any of this drives connected.
- Q10061502 - Windows refuses to install and shown "Windows cannot install in such a drive" in an Intel M/B S2600CW2 + ARC-1214.
- Q10071502 - Is Supermicro X10SAT compatible with ARC-1882ix machine?
- Q10081502- ARC-1883i connects with two expanders inside DataOn storage CIB-9470 70 bays JBOD. But one expander, all HD showed up. However, another expander only show 4 x HD with odd name “smpDev #1-4”
- Q10091502 - Brand new Samsung 850 Pro 1TB SSD's are being detected as "FAILED" by the Areca Controller.
- Q10011503 - Would like to know the correct way to configure the ARC-1883 email notifications.
- Q10021503 - ARC-1213-4i is unable to upgrade from 1.50 to 1.52 with the error "Invalid BIOS Data".
- Q10031503 - What is the max CPU Temperature of an ARC-1212 or at which temperature it starts to log and throttle?
- Q10041503 - When we use an Intel mainboard S2400SC with Xeon V1 processor the ARC-1882 card is communicating a PCIe 2 speed on a PCIe 3 slot.
- Q10051503 - ARC-1214 tested with slots 8, and 10 on the Supermicro X10DRG-Q booting Win7 Pro x64 normally, but would show a WHEA PCI root port error in the event log.
- Q10061503 - ArcSAP utility can’t start because MSVCP100.dll is missing in Win2012R2.
- Q10071503 - Have Areca RAID cards supported the encryption function?
- Q10081503 - When user inserts multiple RAID adapters in a server, Archttp display same name “ARC-xxxx Web Management” for different devices. User confuses to choose any storage through Archttp to administrate those different storages.
- Q10011504 - ARC-1200 is operating in RAID-1. At the moment ARC-1200 has two same name raid sets: Degraded and Incompleted. How to verify which HDD contains the active raid?
- Q10021504 - SanDisk X300s will be shown as Failed and cannot be used.on ARC-1882i.
- Q10031504 - ARC-1883i RAID adapter can't show bios message when we put into Motherboard X7SBE.
- Q10041504 - Do any of the current Areca RAID cards support trim for SSD's?
- Q10011505 - Areca cli Tool dies with segement fault on RHEL 7.1. Error: Please check the (arcmsr & sg) drivers are installed properly.
- Q10021505 - ST4000NM0033 Seagate enterprise HDD can’t pass self test of ARC-1883ix-16 shown randomly fail, when system powers on.
- Q10031505 - Does ARC-1883X support both DualPaths and MPIO for dual SAS expanders?
- Q10011506 - Does smartmontools interact with SAS devices on Areca RAID controllers?
- Q10021506 - After upgrading ESXi host from 5.5 to 6.0, only one/first Areca controller is claimed by driver/OS.
- Q10031506 - If 1883i and 1883LP enabled “SES2 support” on BPN-SAS2-826EL1 backplane, then, reboot will generate error message “E2 unknown power error”.
- Q10011507 - After install of the mraid driver and cli and archttp utilities, do I need to have Java installed anymore?
- Q10021507 - Will there be win 10 drivers for Areca 1882ix?
- Q10031507 - ARC-1883i Controller cannot boot from Intel R1304GZ4GC Server platforms
- Q10041507 - Under CentOS 7.1, the "cli64" command throws an error claiming that the (arcmsr & sg) drivers are installed properly.
- Q10011508 - ARC-1214 stuck after restart with Restore of Acronis.
- Q10021508 - RAID controller just shows “need init”, and not starting the initialization.
- Q10031508 - ARC-1883i controller cannot boot from Intel S2600CW Server platforms.
- Q10041508 - Does Areca RAID adapter support the new WD 5TB/6TB HDD firmware update function code about 5MB in size?
- Q10011509 - Does Areca RAID adapter support write back cache with battery backed RAM on JBOD disks or passthrough disk?
- Q10011510 - Is it possible to enable the Areca RAID controllers encryption function on the boot volume?
- Q10021510 - Is the encrypted volume option available with the 16 volumes?
- Q10031510 - The MRAID installer can not work on new installs of the MRAID and Mac OS 10.11.
- Q10041510 - Will Areca RAID controllers support "volume check" on the RAID 1 array?
- Q10051510 - Z87X-SOC board BIOS F10c initializes the ARC-1882i consistently when it is installed.
- Q10061510 - Samsung SSD 850 PRO 1TB Firmware Version = EXM02B6Q drives are showing "Time Out Error".
- Q10071510 - Is there any way to create a 512 byte block size volume with 4096 byte block size?
- Q10011512 - One SSD Disk fails in the ARC-1883i Raid Set a while in usage. After changing the Disk, it fails after a few hours again.
- Q10021512 - How to fix the ArcHTTP infinite loop login with Microsoft Edge Browser?
- Q10011601 - Smartmontools can not interact with SAS devices on ARC-1224 RAID controller.
- Q10021601 - Is there a difference between ArcHTTPGUI and ArcHTTPSrvGUI?
- Q10031601 - Does Areca driver set the SCSI command timeout to 60 seconds running CentOS 5.5?
- Q10041601 - Which Linux driver source has included the ARC-1203 series adapter?
- Q10051601 - Which Linux kernel has included the ARC-1203 series adapter?
- Q10061601 - Which FreeBSD kernel has included the ARC-1203 series adapter?
- Q10071601 - Will ARC-1223-8X RAID controllers support the management by rs232 using Putty?
- Q10081601 - When ARC-1882ix-24 background initialization completes, progress of the initialization on the BIOS setup screen is stuck on xx% initializing displayed.
- Q10091601 - With ARC-1883LP installed HP Server DL380 gen9, the computer shows an error: Uncorrectable PCI Express Error (Embedded device, Bus 0, Device 0, Function 0, Error status 0x00000000).
- Q10101601 - When I try to use the ARC-1882, the HP DL385 G5P computer shows an error: “Fatal PCI Express Error PCI Slot 1 B42/D00/F00 10 “.
- Q10011602 - Is there any Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 UEFI booting issue on x86, AMD64, and Intel 64 Systems?
- Q10021602 - ST4000NM0033 Seagate enterprise HDD can’t pass self test of ARC-1883ix-16 RAID controller shown randomly time out error, when system powers on.
- Q10031602 - Does Areca RAID controller BIOS support auto-selection for Option ROM?
- Q10041602 - Is it possible to boot from 4k native on Areca RAID controller?
- Q10011603 - For ARC-1883/ARC-1882/ARC-12x3 RAID Controllers, are the Linux drivers for RHEL 6.6 and 7.0 uEFI Aware? And, are the drivers signed with a trusted key for a Linux uEFI boot with Secure Boot enabled?
- Q10021603 - CentOS 7.2 benchmark is lower than CentOS 6.5 with Areca default driver.
- Q10031603 - The Innodisk 2.5” SATA SSD 3MG2-P is not being detected or detected intermittently while using our MB996SP-6SB with ARC-1883IX-12 Controller.
- Q10041603 - ARC-1882ix/4GB with battery is suddenly powered off. It is shown F/W detects: ** SDRAM speed not enough!!** on screen before get into OS.
- Q10051603 - Set "HDD Low power Idle" to "7" and test. Then reset to "Disabled" again, but the setting is stuck.
- Q10011605 - CLI is showing garbage Slot# larger than 32 when the Disk Info command is issued to HGST JBOD 4U60.
- Q10021605 - Is there a way to tell RAID controller hardware revision in software?
- Q10031605 - The ARC-1883ix appears to scroll though the disks in the Quanta M4600H JBOD until it hits the disk drive in slot 49.
- Q10041605 - The ARC-1883ix is hanging on a particular slot when booting the HGST 60 Bay. Removing and reinserting the drive in the particular slot to allow the ARC-8781 boot process to complete.
- Q10011607 - The ARC-1883ix expander gets mapping errors using show logs command when connect JBOD.
- Q10021607 - Do Areca RAID controllers support SED drive with encrypted function?
- Q10011608 - Is it possible to get an update in firmware that support SMTP with address instead of IP and be able to change port nr. SSL would also be awesome to get.
- Q10021608 - The event log data in ARC-1203-4i McBIOS RAID manager is abnormal shown as 2003-04.
- Q10031608 - The web browser GUI can not accept the password that sets on the McBIOS manager.
- Q10041608 - Supermicro X9DRD-7LN4F BIOS v3.2 will stuck at POST, when both ARC-1883i and ARC-1883X firmware updated to 1.53 2016-05-13. If only one alone, system passes POST and boots.
- Q10051608 - The HUH721010ALN600 10TB HDD is not power up and visible by ARC-1883ix bios on controller boot.
- Q10011609 - Is it completely impossible to read out the “Power On Hours” of a SAS HD with Areca CLI?
- Q10021609 - Seagate ST6000VX001 6TB can not detect on ARECA ARC-1264IL-16.
- Q10031609 - We need to remove the Guest account access on the RAID card GUI. (Username=Guest, Password=Guest)
- Q10011612 - ARC-1200 can't reboot on the MB which is "HD330-Q87" made by DFI.
- Q10021612 - We have ARECA1883iX + 91-1883BA-T00B Bat, From CLI I see > Battery Status: 22% after 24hod.charging.
- Q10031612 - DFI BT160 ATOM based MB with ARC-1200, system could not be boot up after install OS on it.
- Q10011701 - Can we put the ARC-1883ix into Dell PowerEdge R730?
- Q10021701 - HP Z800 workstation hangs at boot (after POST, before OS load) if bootable device is not the only volumes connected to 1882i.
- Q10031701 - Is there a driver available for windows server 2016?
- Q10041701 - One of my hard drives accidentally got disconnected. I plugged the drive back in, but now array shows degraded. How do I reset the RAID set to normal from degraded?
- Q10011702 - ARC-1220 cannot update the firmware 1.39 to 1.49 via DOS utility (nflash).
- Q10021702- ARC-1883 set to JBOD mode, after removing a disk, it would not beep.
- Q10031702 - CLI 1.14.7 shows for ARC-1883CAP-FBM only "22% loaded" instead of «charged (18.4V)».
- Q10041702 - Our custumer is running Supermicro X9DRL-iF (BIOS 3.0a) und Areca-1883 (Firmware 1.54 - 2016-11-23), booting hangs at Supermicro BIOS Message B2.
- Q10051702 - X9DR3-F (BIOS 3.2a) server will not start with ARC-1883i firmware version = V1.54-20161123, if there are two or more Volume Set. With 1 Volume Set server starts without problem.
- Q10011703 - Every time hot swap WD gold drive (WD4002FYYZ) drive on ARC-1203-8i, all other drives will be kicked out.
- Q10021703 - ARC-1883ix cannot see any HDD when HGST JBOD 4U60 is set as SES mode.
- Q10031703 - Areca RAID Hierarchy shows disk drive numbering different from “Drive Location” label on the HGST JBOD 4U60.
- Q10011704 - Does ARC-1883x support a raid over 100TB?
- Q10021704 - When ARC-1883LP RAID6 with Blackmagic Ver 2.11 in Write through mode, Read is 0 MB/s. Write is at 224.3 MB/s.
- Q10031704 - How can I clear the ARC-1264il-16 internal drive serial numbers as "failed"?
- Q10041704 - Supermicro X10SLQ-L will stuck at the BIOS Screen, won’t continue to boot, if there are more than Areca volumes.
- Q10051704 - Areca CIM provider can not report failed disks and/or controller failure or battery failure to VMware vSphere client.
- Q10061704 - Is it possible to monitor the ARC-1882i via SNMP without Traps?
- Q10071704 - Does ARC-1883x controller work with Dell OptiPlex 990?
- Q10081704 - Is this controller use the LAN port on the adapter for management, monitoring and alerts, why was created also the CIM Provider for VMWare?
- Q10091704 - Customer has base supermicro system with 4 working 24bay jbods from AIC. If he connects a fifth chassis some drives get timeouts.
- Q10101704 - Could you please show me how to reset binding IP in the Archttp?
- Q10111704 - What’s the RAID card queue length number of ARC-1883i/x-12?
- Q10121704 - Does ARC-1883 support vSAN ?
- Q10131704 - Trying to setup PCIe RAID controller SMTP alerts to send alerts, and use the Generate Test Event to test it, but I never get an alert.
- Q10141704 - What’s difference between Archttp and ArcSAP?
- Q10011705 - Do you have an updated version of your Windows API that is compiled against the .net 4.5 libraries, or built using a more recent visual studio?
- Q10021705 - When I connect both Primary and Secondary expanders to ARC-1883x, I see each HDD twice.
- Q10031705 - ARC-1882P volume set will be created using Intel S3510 SSD but it takes much longer and cause the API time out.
- Q10041705 - ARC-1203-2I RAID volume is not detected by Acronis to load image.
- Q10051705 - What is the maximum safe temperature for the CPU on the ARC-1883 controller card?
- Q10061705 - ARC-1882ix is enabled the "Schedule Volume Check" on a time regular base. But everytime the server did a reboot (update) the volume check begin.
- Q10071705 - Do current GA versions of vSphere and VSAN support 4K Native drives?
- Q10011706 - Firmware V1.54 2016-05-13 Alarm By Mail function sends incorrect day of week.
- Q10021706 - ARC-1880i will not boot if there have more than 1 raid array defined.
- Q10031706 - When the Intel SP1200SPS M/B boots up the ARC-1201 card, the RAID adapter BIOS spits out this error "F/W Detected Unknown Error".
- Q10041706 - ARC-1264iL have time-out and drop drive issue on FW:V1.54 2016-11-23 and WD6002FRYZ.
- Q10051706 - When trying to boot from Intel M/B S1200SPLR and ARECA ARC-1203-8I get F/W DETECTED: ***Unknown error.
- Q10061706 - When trying to boot from Intel M/B S1200SPLR and ARECA ARC-1203-8I get F/W DETECTED: ***Unknown error.
- Q10011707 - Currently cli.exe shows not a supported 64-bit Windows PE 10.x operating system.
- Q10011708 - Is there an update for the non working "Power Up In Standby" (PUIS) command in the Firmware?
- Q10011710 - Does the Areca SED function support conform to the Trusted computing Group specifications Opal, Enterprise or both?
- Q10021710 - OS is unable to load from an Intel S2600WT 2600WT main board with an ARC-1882IX-12 and an ARC-1203-2I.
- Q10031710 - Tried to install mraid-20170811 on MAC OS 10.13 (High Sierra) and the Installer status bar remains stuck.
- Q10011712 - Current Arcmsr Linux source fails build on 4.9.54-gentoo mainline.
1203 12Gb/s SAS expander 1883 1886 4KN drive Acronis Advanced Data Mirroring AJA Alert By Mail Configuration ALUA AOC API Apple Silicon ARC-1035 ARC-1130 ARC-1200 ARC-1201 ARC-1202 ARC-1203 ARC-1203-2I ARC-1203-2N ARC-1203-8i ARC-1210 ARC-1212 ARC-1213 ARC-1213-4i ARC-1214 ARC-1214-4I Arc-1214-8I ARC-1220 ARC-1221 ARC-1221x ARC-1222 ARC-1223 ARC-1223-8i ARC-1223-8X ARC-1224 ARC-1224-8I ARC-1225-8I ARC-1226 ARC-1230-8x ARC-1231 ARC-1231Ml ARC-1260 ARC-1261ML ARC-1264il-12 ARC-1264il-16 ARC-1280 ARC-1280ML ARC-12x3