Q80012212 - Running Monterey 12.6 on an M1 Studio Ultra, ARC-8050T3-24R gets stuck in an infinite boot loop. If I remove the thunderbolt cable from the M1 Studio, allow the computer to fully boot up and log in, then plug the cable in I have no issue mounting it.

There has a known start up issue on using macOS, the problem is Mac does not wait long enough until storage gets ready and result panic, there has similar issues on other external storage with longer initialize time. And we found this issue disappeared after system updated to MacOS 13.1 because system extended the waiting time, but MacOS 13.2 decreases the waiting time to 60 seconds and the problem appears again.This can be solved to login raid controller web manager console and disable the raid controller BIOS. The BIOS setting in advanced feature menu default setting is auto, please disable it.

Tags: ARC-8050T3-24R, ARC-8050T3U
Last update:
2025-01-14 04:17
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