Q90032408 - ARC-1886-16i with 15 SATA SSD in CSE-M28SAB Supermicro bays can detect all Kingston DC600M 7.68TB SATA SSD 15 disks when they are free. “Trim” after creating volume, two drives dropped.

SATA SSD is using 5V only, so it is more sensitive than HDDs. Power distribution is always a big matter on SSD applications as 5V need more Amps compared with 12V. This is the power consumption which was having the SATA SSD drop-off issue with the use of Y-splitter cables. It is stable with re-arranged 4pin Molex power connectors without the use of Y-splitter cables.

Tags: ARC-1886-16i, CSE-M28SAB, SSD, Supermicro
Last update:
2024-08-15 06:17
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