Questions in 2016 to 2020
FAQ in 2016 to 2020
Page 4 out of 4 Pages
- Q40011607 - Do Areca external RAID controllers support SED drive with encrypted function?
(4196 views) - Q10041605 - The ARC-1883ix is hanging on a particular slot when booting the HGST 60 Bay. Removing and reinserting the drive in the particular slot to allow the ARC-8781 boot process to complete.
(4761 views) - Q10031605 - The ARC-1883ix appears to scroll though the disks in the Quanta M4600H JBOD until it hits the disk drive in slot 49.
(3789 views) - Q10021605 - Is there a way to tell RAID controller hardware revision in software?
(4330 views) - Q10011605 - CLI is showing garbage Slot# larger than 32 when the Disk Info command is issued to HGST JBOD 4U60.
(3281 views) - Q40011603 - What is the max CPU Temperature of the ARC-5066 or at which temperature it starts to log and throttle?
(4718 views) - Q10051603 - Set "HDD Low power Idle" to "7" and test. Then reset to "Disabled" again, but the setting is stuck.
(3461 views) - Q40011602 - ST4000NM0033 Seagate enterprise HDD can’t pass self test of ARC-8008 RAID controller shown randomly time out error, when system powers on.
FAQ in 2016 to 2020